Thursday, January 4, 2007

a joke turned sour

our Hon'ble PM recently visited the science congress and demanded for a reverse brain drain...he knows that he can demand anything...why not the moon then?( he has aske ISRO do give him the moon)...
Mr. Singh is a well educated man, he knows how to say meaninglessly significant things at right time..
here he is, asking for brains to come back to india, but he does not tell us what exactly they are going to do once they come back..
no has asked him to care for those brains which are unfortuately still his mercy, which is beyond him as he flaggs them with all kind of quotas..
our PM was pained to know of farmers commiting suicide..what did he do about it?...he has made an appeal that they should not commit suicide, it's better to starve, because then our fantastic public health system can claim that they died of malnutrition ( yes it is their fault that they fail to eat two square meals a day) which is ofcourse quite a different thing than starvation..
in any case what right do farmers have to emabaress him?...

and what is a certain A Ramadoss doing for poor when they die of diseases like dengue? when they get incapacitated by a certain chickun gunia?... 3 million patients and still it is not an epidemic?
the solution is simple...ignore the problem, and it would go away, meanwhile indulge in poiltics of farce...kill black sheep first, then go for white...this is called the new social justice...

it is difficult to call india a democracy now...i maybe of old school, fanatical, saying uncomfortable things.
i know the world has changed, farce has quite long replaced truth...but i can not lose sight of my world..where truth used to be virtue...